Our Junior Infants have had a great first month in school. They were so excited on their first day of school
Ms Dowling’s 3rd class enjoyed a lovely morning learning about nature and the wonderful environment around us. The Biodiversity workshop was filled with really fun activities for all of the children. They were identifying leaves, collecting feathers, learning about different birds and they each have a nature notebook to keep a record of any changes in the coming weeks. Well done to all the children on receiving a class certificate for all their hard work.
Mr Gallagher’s 4th class spent a lovely Tuesday morning participating in collaborative drawing with award-winning children's book illustrator, Tarsila Krüse. Thank you Tarsila, the children really enjoyed it and their drawings are fabulous!
www.tarsilakruse.com Ms Walsh's 5th class spent golden time trying various patterns of JENGA blocks and deciding if they would fall like dominoes. Looks like great fun!
We had lots of fun today for Roald Dahl Day. We read with our Reading Buddies, we listened to Roald Dahl stories and we had a quiz.
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February 2025