First Class had some Halloween fun mixing materials in science this week. The witches and wizards cast some spooky spells. They mixed vinegar, baking powder and green food colouring together, and watched it bubble and fizz into a smokey potion!
COngratulations to our girls' football team who won their final in Croke Park on Tuesday 22nd Oct. A special thanks to Mark from Na Dubh Ghall who assisted Ms. Walsh & Ms. Dowling with the trainings. Many thanks for parents who gave lifts during the group stages and knock-out stages also.
Ms Foley/Ms O Dowd’s 1st class are getting ready for Halloween and are pumpkin crazy Drawing and painting pumpkins from real life.We were focusing on textures and blending colours and using real pumpkins as inspiration
Two butterflies have hatched in Ms Foley/Ms O’ Dowd’s first class.We have been observing them for the last few weeks from caterpillars to chrysalis and now to butterflies.What a transformation and excitement to see them hatch out in our own class.We will release them back into the wild to start the life cycle again when they have all hatched.
Many thanks to Gavin Hoey & Chris Parks who came in to our Junior Building to discuss Fire Safety. The boys and girls in infants got to see the Fire Truck, and all the equipment, and the boys and girls in 1st got a talk on Fire Safety and were shown the fire suit.
Mr Maher's 6th class have been taking part in a climate literacy workshop and learning all about the things that we can do ourselves to protect it for future generations over the last couple of weeks.
We had our first Assembly of the school year last week. Well done to all the boys and girls who won awards, performed in front of the school and had an opportunity to speak on behalf of their team or the student council.
Ms Crosse’s Rang 2 had a great time checking the speed of traffic and doing our traffic survey as part of Green Schools Walk to School Week! As a part of "Walk to School Week", Ms. Duggan's 4th Class got the opportunity to go out to Brookstone Road and observe road safety. The children used a speed gun to ensure cars were abiding by the speed limit, and also carried out a survey based on travel on the road. A great time was had by all!
Some of our senior school students took part in the inaugural cross country athletics competition between the local schools in the area. Thank you to Clongriffin Athletics Club for organising a great day for us all!
Well done to our boys football team who played very well in their group matches. They were narrowly defeated in their last group game, which ended up being their final game.
Mr McCourt’s 5th class had a great day at the Fighting Words workshop in Behan Square learning about the process of creative writing. They all worked collaboratively to produce a wonderful story titled, Amir Versus McAlister the Frog. Sounds like a very intriguing read!
Make sure to click "Read More" below each post to see more images.Come here often to see what's going on in our school. Archives
February 2025