Ms. Motyer's third class were exploring marine food chains and animal adaptations in science recently.
The author Sarah Webb visited our 6th classes and gave an excellent presentation about her books and her life. The children really enjoyed it and asked lots of interesting questions!
Mr Maher's 6th class were busy this week weeding out the summer wildflowers and planting daffodils and crocuses for spring!
Ms Fahey’s class were weeding in the school garden in preparations for spring flowers! They will be planting tulips and daffodils very soon!
We would like to welcome our new Junior Infants to St. Laurence's NS! We hope they love all the fun, games and activities that we get up to here.
Make sure to click "Read More" below each post to see more images.Come here often to see what's going on in our school. Archives
February 2025