We celebrated Science Week this year from April 26th - 29th and a lot of fun was had in both buildings.
Many different experiments were carried out in all classrooms such as making volcanoes and explosions, making slime, making butter, using magnets, checking heart rate and investigating forces! A lot of STEM challenges were carried out both at home and at school where children built rafts, built bridges, made parachutes and built towers from spaghetti and marshmallows! Lots of classes went outdoors and engaged in a 'Five Senses Hunt' or 'Science Hunt' and both buildings took part in a 'Science Table Quiz'. In the Junior Building all classes had to navigate the crime scene and investigate who took 'Sammy Science's' lunch!!! Ms. Foley kindly shared with us daily videos of her chicks hatching much to the children's delight! We were all very surprised when two black chicks were born! We were also very lucky to have a visit from Robyn's (Senior Infants) mother. She brought in her six tortoises for the three Senior Infant classes to see. She gave a little talk about the tortoises and it must be said we learned a lot! There was also of course a daily science riddle and many classes got to watch fascinating experiments by Phil Smyth (RTE Hub) and some videos from ESB Science Blast. 3rd class had an informative talk on animal welfare with the DSPCA and 5th and 6th had a virtual experience with the National Museum of Ireland on 'Cool Fossils and Facts'. A very enjoyable week was had by all! Comments are closed.
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December 2022